The Construction of the film complex designed by Novarc will start in 2024

A digital and multimedia incubator complex consisting of two buildings will soon be built on the Jõhvi Business Park area. Two film studios have been planned in one building, one of which, in addition to filmmaking, can also host concerts and conferences. The complex also includes a digital and multimedia incubator as a separate building, which is an office building with flexible space distribution, the purpose of which is to provide operating space for (start-up) companies of different sizes in the given field. The gross area of the entire complex is approx. 11 000 m2.

The sketch and preliminary design of the complex has been prepared by Novarc Group. The architect is Lauri Laisaar, the project manager is Gerli Reiman.

See news by Estonian Public Broadcasting

See news by Põhjarannik

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EA Reng tegi läbi põhjaliku identiteedimuutuse ning tegutseb nüüd uue nime all Novarc. Koos sisemise arenguga on astutud oluline samm ka väliselt. Nimi Novarc sümboliseerib ambitsiooni viia ehitus kui oluline majandusvaldkond innovatsiooni teele ning võtta kasutusele kõigi osapoolte koostööd toetavad tehnoloogiad.
