A topping-out ceremony of the office building located at Lõõtsa St 12 in Ülemiste City was held. The building has reached its final height, 45 m. This is the maximum height allowed in the vicinity of the airport. From the windows a view opens to the airport and Lake Ülemiste. The ceremony was attended by the Minister of Economic Affairs and Infrastructure Urve Palo. The building will be completed in the first half of 2018.
The architect of the building is Ilmar Klammer from Novarc Group
Ehitus²: http://ehitusruudus.delfi.ee/kinnisvara/leed-gold-sertifikaadi-standardite-jargi-valmiv-liwentaali-buroohoone-on-saavutanud-oma-maksimumkorguse-vaata-piltidelt-avanevat-vaadet-linnale-ja-len?id=79468166
Ehitusuudised: http://www.ehitusuudised.ee/uudised/2017/09/12/ulemiste-citys-peeti-lennujaamavaatega-buroohoone-sarikapidu?utm_source=smaily&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=12.09.2017&utm_term=newsletter&utm_content=newslink&kmi=marika.utkin@novarc.ee&kme=Clicked+E-mail+Link
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