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Архитекторы, инженеры и консультанты – мы работаем на BIM платформе

The E-Piim dairy plant designed by Novarc is completed


On September 5, 2024, the official completion of construction work was celebrated in the new E-Piima factory complex in Paide. It is a significant object, both in terms of scale and technological capability. The size of the complex is approx. 33,000 m2 and it includes a two-story administrative building, a significant amount of production and […]

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Novarc moved to new premises


We moved to a new office on the 7th floor of Mauruse Maja. The new address is A.H. Tammsaare Rd 92, Tallinn, Estonia.

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Art competition for a building designed by Novarc


The joint building of Kilingi-Nõmme internal security, designed by Novarc, will receive a work of art, which is the work “Süsinik ja kevlar» (“Carbon and kevlar») by the glass artist Maret Sarapu. The design was selected during an art competition, that received 27 entries. The chairman of the jury was Novarc’s architect Reino Rass. More […]

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Novarc designs electrical systems for marine vessel chargers in Virtsu and Kuivastu harbours


In 2026, an electric ferry procured by the Estonian State Navy (Riigilaevastik) will start operating on the Virtsu-Kuivastu line. By then, Saarte Liinid will build port infrastructure for electric ships in Kuivastu and Virtsu — two chargers with a maximum capacity of 5 MW 1000V DC and two chargers with a maximum capacity of 1.5 […]

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Topping-off ceremony of the Kilingi-Nõmme internal security building designed by Novarc


On March 15, topping off was celebrated in the joint building for Kilingi-Nõmme police and rescue officers. The building located at Pärnu St 79 has achieved its maximum height. The construction will be completed in autumn this year. The building was designed by Novarc. The project manager is Reino Rass, architects Reino Rass and Inge […]

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Novarc at Kanama-Valingu section opening event


On 15 February the Estonian Transport Administration arranged an opening event for the Kanama-Valingu section of the E265 Tallinn ring road. All project participants were invited. Novarc as the main designer was represented by project manager Toomas Naelapää. It is a large-scale project, during which nearly 5 km of 2+2 highway, two level-separated traffic interchanges, […]

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Novarc’s projects nominated in contest Estonian Concrete Building of the Year 2023


22 buildings were submitted to the competition «Concrete Building of the Year 2023» organized by the Estonian Concrete Association and the Estonian Construction Materials Manufacturers’ Union, all of which were confirmed as nominees. Novarc has designed two of them: Office building Tammsaare 56, Park Tondi, Tammsaare tee 56, Kristiine, Tallinn. General designer, project manager Hendrik […]

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Corner stone placed for the Kilingi-Nõmme internal security building designed by Novarc


On January 12, the cornerstone was laid for the Kilingi-Nõmme joint building of internal security. After completion the building will house rescuers and police officers who will be provided with modern working conditions and a comfortable working environment resulting in rise of efficiency. The building is equipped with good training and exercise facilities, and all […]

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The Construction of the film complex designed by Novarc will start in 2024


A digital and multimedia incubator complex consisting of two buildings will soon be built on the Jõhvi Business Park area. Two film studios have been planned in one building, one of which, in addition to filmmaking, can also host concerts and conferences. The complex also includes a digital and multimedia incubator as a separate building, […]

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Kiviõli common building for internal security designed by Novarc opened


On 22 September, the Kiviõli common building for internal security was opened. It increases the security of the entire region. At the opening, all participants emphasized the modernity of the building, contributing to improving the working conditions of policemen and rescuers. The building and the services provided there are also important for the local community. […]

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Информационный день проекта «Tartu renoveerib» 12 сентября


В начале июля город Тарту начал предлагать консультационные услуги по поддержке ремонта многоквартирных домов. Услугу предоставляет Novarc Group, с которым город Тарту заключил договор. Важной частью услуги является информирование квартирных товариществ об услуге и предлагаемой помощи при проведении масштабного ремонта. 12 сентября в 17:30 по адресу Tartu, Soola tn 3 состоится информационный день, на котором […]

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Designed by Novarc: Järve Center will have a new look by autumn


The Järve Center located at Pärnu Rd 238 in Tallinn, Estonia, will be renovated. The center Tallinnas, Pärnu mnt 238 asuv Järve keskus uueneb. The center will have an upgraded exterior, new entrances and entrance stairs. Six new escalators will be installed, a lighted sidewalk will be built, bicycle parking will be expanded, recreation areas […]

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The E-Piim dairy plant designed by Novarc is completed


On September 5, 2024, the official completion of construction work was celebrated in the new E-Piima factory complex in Paide. It is a significant object, both in terms of scale and technological capability. The size of the complex is approx. 33,000 m2 and it includes a two-story administrative building, a significant amount of production and […]

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Novarc moved to new premises


We moved to a new office on the 7th floor of Mauruse Maja. The new address is A.H. Tammsaare Rd 92, Tallinn, Estonia.

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Для нас одним из главных качеств здания является функциональность. Мы создаем удобные для жизни, современные здания, которые будут служить людям, а не наоборот.


При составлении наших проектов, мы используем последние разработки по энергосбережению, что позволяет владельцам существенно снизить расходы при эксплуатации здания.

Пространство для жизни

В каждом нашем решении мы помним, что создаваемые нами здания и объекты должны быть функциональными и ориентированы на нужды людей и окружающей среды.

Удобство пользования

Здания, в которых люди ежедневно проводят свое время, должны создавать положительные эмоции и быть максимально удобными в пользовании.

Экологически-дружественные проекты

На протяжении десятилетий эксплуатации, здание оказывает влияние на окружающее экологическое состояние. Поэтому необходимо принимать экологически рациональные решения при проектировании и строительстве.

Охрана окружающей среды

Мы за чистоту окружающей нас среды! Технологии, применяемые нами при проектировании, максимально ориентированы на достижение этой цели.

EA Reng произвел полный ребрендинг всего концерна и теперь мы зовемся — Novarc. Это был шаг в нашем новом внешнем развитии, который был призван дополнить наше внутреннее технологическое развитие. Имя Novarc символизирует амбиции компании привести строительство, как одну из важных экономических сфер деятельности, на путь инноваций и внедрить, основанную на работу в модели или BIM технологии, сотрудничество всех участников проекта. см. видео о наших изменениях.
