On 17 June 2020 on the annual meeting of EAACEC (Estonian Association of Architectural and Consulting Engineering Companies) a new board was elected.
For the following two years the board will be: Keijo Vaher (Sweco Projekt AS), Merike Rannu (KOKO arhitektid OÜ), Ahti Lääne (EstKonsult OÜ), Oliver Napits (Inseneribüroo Telora OÜ), Johann-Aksel Tarbe (Arhitekt Tarbe OÜ), Virgo Sulakatko (Novarc Group AS), Maidu Saar (TARI AS), Siim Rõõmus (K-Projekt AS) and Andres Piirsalu (Entec Eesti OÜ).
See also EAACEC