Juhkentali office complex will feature a 111 m high-rise building

E.L.L. Real Estate has launched an invited international architectural competition with the aim of finding the best architectural solution to the Juhkentali office complex featuring the tallest high rise building in Estonia. The estimated investment will be 100 Mio euro. Commencement of the construction works is planned in 2019.

The participants are SpaceGroup Company from Norway in cooperation with Novarc Group from Estonia; Fletcher Priest Architects from the UK in cooperation with Arhitekt 11 from Estonia; Estonian architect Martin Aunin; Arhitektuuribüroo JVR; Alver Arhitektid; Kadarik Tüür Arhitektid; KOKO Arhitektid; M. Pressi Arhitektuuribüroo. The winning work will be announced in January 2018.

Ehitusuudised: http://www.ehitusuudised.ee/uudised/2017/09/07/juhkentali-kvartalisse-tuleb-111-meetrine-arihoone

E.L.L. Real Estate: http://www.ell-realestate.com/en/business-segment/juhkentali-office-complex/

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