General meeting of EAACEC

On 10 May 2018 the general meeting of EAACAC (Estonian Association of Architectural and Consulting Engineering Companies) took place in Navigator building. The greeting came from Jüri Rass, ‎the deputy secretary general for construction in the ‎Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications. He talked about major goals and challenges the ministry is facing in the near future as well as collaboration with the construction sector.

Maidu Saar, the chairman of the board of EAACEC made an overview of the activities of the previous year. The managing director Kalle Karron introduced the economic statement and goals for the next period.

The new managing board was elected: Keijo Vaher (Sweco Projekt AS), Tiit Kerem (Inseneribüroo Telora OÜ), Kaitis Väär (Novarc Group AS), Maidu Saar (TARI AS), Johann-Aksel Tarbe (Arhitekt Tarbe OÜ), Riho Milva (Roadplan OÜ), Merike Rannu (K-Projekt AS), Heiki Meos (EstKonsult OÜ), Andres Piirsalu (Entec Eesti OÜ).

The meeting was concluded by Taavi Raudsaar for the Bank of Estonia with a presentation addressing their view on the state of construction and real estate sector and coming challenges.


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EA Reng произвел полный ребрендинг всего концерна и теперь мы зовемся — Novarc. Это был шаг в нашем новом внешнем развитии, который был призван дополнить наше внутреннее технологическое развитие. Имя Novarc символизирует амбиции компании привести строительство, как одну из важных экономических сфер деятельности, на путь инноваций и внедрить, основанную на работу в модели или BIM технологии, сотрудничество всех участников проекта. см. видео о наших изменениях.
