A topping-out ceremony of Tallinn new court house was held

On 10 November the topping-out ceremony of the new courthouse erected at Lubja St 4, Tallinn was held. It marked the building had reached its height and the contractor was thanked for their fine work so far. According to folk tradition the ceremony serves a means of establishing good relations with house spirits and provides it good luck.

The author of the architectural part of the building is Arhitektuuristuudio Siim & Kreis OÜ (authors Andres Siim and Kristel Ausing), interior design comes from Pille Lausmäe Sisearhitektuuri Büroo OÜ, design from Novarc Group AS (principal architect Lauri Laisaar). The building will be completed in the spring of 2018.

See also RKAS

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