Corner stone placed for the Kilingi-Nõmme internal security building designed by Novarc

On January 12, the cornerstone was laid for the Kilingi-Nõmme joint building of internal security. After completion the building will house rescuers and police officers who will be provided with modern working conditions and a comfortable working environment resulting in rise of efficiency. The building is equipped with good training and exercise facilities, and all the necessary equipment and equipment can be stored and maintained better than before.

The area of the building is 908 m2, training tower 53 m2 and shed 35 m2. The general designer is Novarc Group AS. Architects are Sirkel-Suviste and Reino Rass, interior designers Eeva Masso and Hene-Leen Rass, project manager Reino Rass.

For more see press release of the client State Real Estate AS

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