Film studio designed by Novarc received building permit

On 16 August the studio complex of Tallinn film city received the building permit. The studio complex is planned as the first building of the TFW (Tallinn Film Wonderland) film city. It is located in Paljassaare, Tallinn, Estonia. The building will house three studios with the total area of 2621 m², the biggest 1300 m² (height 14 m). Each studio will be supplied with auxiliary rooms for film production and shooting. There will also be office premises for units related to film production The total useful area of the building is approx. 6200 m².

The architects of the building are Lauri Laisaar and Inge Sirkel-Suviste.

See also news by Estonian Public Broadcasting

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EA Reng tegi läbi põhjaliku identiteedimuutuse ning tegutseb nüüd uue nime all Novarc. Koos sisemise arenguga on astutud oluline samm ka väliselt. Nimi Novarc sümboliseerib ambitsiooni viia ehitus kui oluline majandusvaldkond innovatsiooni teele ning võtta kasutusele kõigi osapoolte koostööd toetavad tehnoloogiad.
