Novarc at Kanama-Valingu section opening event

On 15 February the Estonian Transport Administration arranged an opening event for the Kanama-Valingu section of the E265 Tallinn ring road. All project participants were invited. Novarc as the main designer was represented by project manager Toomas Naelapää.

It is a large-scale project, during which nearly 5 km of 2+2 highway, two level-separated traffic interchanges, the Valingu railway viaduct, car and light traffic tunnels, and noise barrier facilities were built. The detailed design was prepared jointly by Novarc with Reaalprojekt in 2017-2020. The main contractor for the construction works completed at the end of 2023 was Trev-2 Group.

See also information from Transport Administrationkanama valingu

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EA Reng tegi läbi põhjaliku identiteedimuutuse ning tegutseb nüüd uue nime all Novarc. Koos sisemise arenguga on astutud oluline samm ka väliselt. Nimi Novarc sümboliseerib ambitsiooni viia ehitus kui oluline majandusvaldkond innovatsiooni teele ning võtta kasutusele kõigi osapoolte koostööd toetavad tehnoloogiad.
