Novarc in China with the delegation of the Digital Construction Cluster

Klaster_HiinaFrom October, 25 till November, 3 the Estonian Digital Construction Cluster visited China -Beijing and Shanghai – to learn about the latest developments and implementation of digital construction. The delegation participated in the international buildingSMART conference that addressed digital construction solutions developed in different countries. Among the 24 members of the delegation were Virgo Sulakatko (Novarc’s Member of the Board and Vice Chairman of the Board of the Cluster) and Kaitis Väär (Novarc’s Chairman of the Board).

The visit to China confirmed our position that we are among the best in the world in the area of digital construction. We just have to say it with confidence and loudly to the rest of the world. And, of course, we must not rest on our laurels. We have to strive for the next goals at the same pace or even faster.

For more see the article by the Chairman of the Board of the Cluster in Ehitusuudised

See also Digital Construction Cluster

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EA Reng произвел полный ребрендинг всего концерна и теперь мы зовемся — Novarc. Это был шаг в нашем новом внешнем развитии, который был призван дополнить наше внутреннее технологическое развитие. Имя Novarc символизирует амбиции компании привести строительство, как одну из важных экономических сфер деятельности, на путь инноваций и внедрить, основанную на работу в модели или BIM технологии, сотрудничество всех участников проекта. см. видео о наших изменениях.
