The new EKA building in cultural show OP

In the October 31 cultural show OP, the rector of EKA (Estonian Academy of Arts) Mart Kalm introduced their new educational building. The functions of the new building compensate what is missing in the main EKA building. There will be a monumental studio, a virtual reality laboratory, a materials laboratory, a printing laboratory, 3D modeling, a model studio, etc. Among other things, users of the studios have a sauna at their disposal.

The architect of the new building is Martin Aunin. The general designer is Novarc, project manager Reino Rass. The building is located at Kotzebue St 10 in Tallinn, Estonia.

Watch the cultural show starting from minute 16.


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EA Reng tegi läbi põhjaliku identiteedimuutuse ning tegutseb nüüd uue nime all Novarc. Koos sisemise arenguga on astutud oluline samm ka väliselt. Nimi Novarc sümboliseerib ambitsiooni viia ehitus kui oluline majandusvaldkond innovatsiooni teele ning võtta kasutusele kõigi osapoolte koostööd toetavad tehnoloogiad.
