Tallinn’s new court palace opened

On July 18, 2018 the new modern court house located at Lubja St 4 in Tallinn was officially opened. It houses the Harju County Court, Northern District Prosecutor’s Office and the Centre of Registers and Information Systems.

The authors of the 25 000 sq m building are Andres Siim and Kristel Ausing from Arhitektuuristuudio Siim & Kreis OÜ. The interior design comes from Pille Lausmäe Sisearhitektuuri Büroo OÜ, general designer and engineering design from Novarc Group AS (principal architect Lauri Laisaar, project manager Indrek Kõlu). The contractor was Rand & Tuulberg and Astlanda.

According to Kristel Ausing the major challenge was designing the house to look friendly and supportive to administering justice.

See news on Estonian_Public_Broadcastingt ERR

Time-lapse video of construction


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